#msxdev News

#msxdev Shouts

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Linking to MSX Banzai!

For linking to MSX Banzai! simply link http://msxbanzai.tni.nl/ or use this button:

<A HREF="http://msxbanzai.tni.nl/"><IMG SRC="banzaibutton.png" WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=31 TITLE="MSX Banzai!"></A>

All pictures on this site are scanned by me personally, unless otherwise noted. You can use any of the pictures (besides the artwork) for your own pages, but you are required to give me credit in the form of a link to MSX Banzai!. Also, I'd appreciate an email about it.

Please e-mail me (patriekl@dds.nl) if you're going to use any of the pictures, if you would like to contribute to this page or if just want to say something.

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© by Patriek Lesparre. Hosted by The New Image.