The DiskROM doesn't like to be initialised twice, so booting cartridges that use the diskdrive will crash.
Call_System: ld hl,Start ; relocate to page 3 and execute ld de,0C000h push de ld bc,End-start ldir ret Start: ld a,(0FCC1h) push af ld h,00h call 0024h pop af ld h,40h call 0024h xor a ld hl,0F41Fh ld (0F860h),hl ld hl,0F423h ld (0F41Fh),hl ld (hl),a ld hl,0F52Ch ld (0F421h),hl ld (hl),a ld hl,0F42Ch ld (0F862h),hl ld hl,0C000h+System-Start jp 4601h System: db 3Ah,0CAh,"SYSTEM",0 End:
DOS2 only: It's possible to directly load a different program or batchfile using: SYSTEM("progname params"), but in order to avoid an error on exit, you must set the "PROG" environment variable to "$SHELL" using function 6Ch.
; HL = pointer to hex output buffer (upper case ASCII) ; A = binary number to convert Bin2Hex: ld b,a rrca rrca rrca rrca and 0Fh ; These instructions are the important ones cp 10 ; sbc a,69h ; daa ; ld (hl),a inc hl ld a,b and 0Fh cp 10 sbc a,69h daa ld (hl),a ret
; In: A = dividend ; Out: B = quotient, A = rest ; Chg: AF,AF',BC Div10: ld c,a sub 10 ex af,af' ; rest = quotient - 10 ld a,c srl c srl c sub c ; quotient = quotient - quotient >> 2 srl c srl c srl c add a,c ; quotient = quotient + quotient >> 5 rrca rrca rrca and 00011111b ; quotient = quotient >> 3 ld b,a add a,a add a,a add a,b ; temp = quotient + quotient << 2 add a,a ld c,a ; temp = temp << 1 ex af,af' sub c ; rest = rest - temp jp p,.plus ; IF rest < 0 THEN add a,10 ; rest = rest + 10 ret .plus: ; ELSE inc b ; quotient = quotient + 1 ret ; END IF
; CALSUB ; ; In: IX = addr of routine in MSX2 subrom ; AF, HL, DE, BC = parameters for the routine ; ; Out: AF, HL, DE, BC = depending on the routine ; ; Changes: IX, IY, AF', BC', DE', HL' ; ; Call MSX2 subrom from MSXDOS. Should work with all versions of MSXDOS. ; ; Notice: NMI hook will be changed. This should pose no problem as NMI is ; not supported on the MSX at all. ; CALLSLT equ 001ch NMI equ 066h EXTROM equ 015fh EXPTBL equ 0fcc1h H_NMI equ 0fdd6h ; CALSUB: exx ex af,af' ; store all registers ld hl,EXTROM push hl ld hl,0c300h push hl ; push NOP ; JP EXTROM push ix ld hl,021ddh push hl ; push LD IX,ld hl,03333h push hl ; push INC SP; INC SP ld hl,0 add hl,sp ; HL = offset of routine ld a,0c3h ld (H_NMI),a ld (H_NMI+1),hl ; JP in NMI hook ex af,af' exx ; restore all registers ld ix,NMI ld iy,(EXPTBL-1) call CALLSLT ; call NMI-hook via NMI entry in ROMBIOS ; NMI-hook will call SUBROM exx ex af,af' ; store all returned registers ld hl,10 add hl,sp ld sp,hl ; remove routine from stack ex af,af' exx ; restore all returned registers ret
Here is a tutorial with example source code.
Here is a tutorial with example source code.
Here is a tutorial with example source code.
Here is a tutorial with example source code.